The leading Crowdfunding consultancy

A Survey about the Future of Crowdfunding in Europe

In the next few weeks, we will be speaking at a number of conferences in Europe. Amongst them, on April 17th, The Future of Crowdfunding in Berlin, organised by Ikosom and Crowdsourcing Week. The event will focus on crowdfunding for culture, innovation and public infrastructure, and will see a number of crowdfunding experts joining from many parts of Europe – incl. the Netherlands, Poland, Denmark, France, Belgium, UK and Italy.
We will contribute by presenting the regulation on equity-crowdfunding recently published by the Italian Financial Authority CONSOB.

The results of the conference will be published alongside the most recent market data on European crowdfunding. Together with Ikosom, Douw&Koren and Crowdsourcing Week, we are working on the publication “Vision on Crowdfunding in Europe” that will give an overview of Crowdfunding platforms in Europe, including their business models, legal structures and success stories. The publication is also meant to provide researchers, politicians, bankers, investors and government officials with an overview of the impact of Crowdfunding in Europe, now and in the future.
In order to get market data, we are asking all European Crowdfunding Platforms to participate in a survey. If platforms wish to present themselves in more depth in the final publication, they can contribute to the crowdfunding campaign that we started in order to make this publication possible.

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