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Archive for the crowdfunding Category

Crowdfunding Platforms: To Each Their Own

Crowdfunding Platforms: To Each Their Own

In the past 3 years, alongside the development of crowdfunding, hundreds of intermediary services called “crowdfunding platforms” have emerged to act as an interface between the public and the funding projects..

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Getting A Share. Equity-Based Crowdfunding

One of the hottest debates in crowdfunding at present is around its use for equity-based funding for capital formation. And there is good reason for this. Whilst this has been permissible in some countries, it has not been permissible in the USA, where some of the most widely known and successful crowdfunding platforms exist. But that may be about to change, hence the debate.

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A social history of crowdfunding

A social history of crowdfunding

[This article was originally published on Social Media Week Global blog] Many refer to crowdfunding as a “new phenomenon” (or – at worst – the “new bubble”). However, it is not as new as we may think; as a concept, it has been around for some centuries already.

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Crowdfunding- A Concept Whose Time Has Come?

Crowdfunding- A Concept Whose Time Has Come?

[This article was originally published on Social Media Week Global blog] On Tuesday 20th September, at Social Media Week Glasgow, an entire day was spent dealing with the subject of Crowdfunding. The founders of the Crowdfunding platform SoLoCo– which launched that same week – had gathered together an impressive group

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The Rise of Crowdfunding

The Rise of Crowdfunding

Over the next few months, twintangibles will curate a series of articles on crowdfunding on the Social Media Week global blog. We are also running a workshop on the subject on the 14th of December in Glasgow.

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