Marketlend is a new Australian lending platform founded and led by Leo Tyndall. Launched in the same week that the Financial System Inquiry (FSI) of Australia released its “blueprint” for the Australian financial system for the next ten years, this new platform shows how innovation in financial
Read more →There is no secret sauce or universally successful approach to running a crowdfunding campaign but there are some good practice approaches. This series will explain some of the key ones
Read more →Advocating Crowdsourcing – Accenture and Deloitte join the drive
Crowdassets are becoming the key source of competitive advantage. We have said this for a long time now and it seems some of the bigger consultancies are catching on – at last. But do they really get it? We have endeavoured to share the breadth and diversity
Read more →On Wednesday 25th September the Autumn conference of the UK Crowdfunding Association (UKCFA) took place at the London Offices of Ernst and Young or E&Y as I suppose I should call them. A substantial crowd turned up for the event which was opened by Julia Groves of
Read more →The Web, The future of Business and Being Prepared
On Wednesday FutureLearn was launched in the UK. An ambitious initiative which sees a group of Universities entering the MOOC (massive open online courses) learning space offering a range of free courses in flexible formats through a variety of devices. It’s an extraordinary development and is the
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