The leading Crowdfunding consultancy

Archive for the social media Category

Banks and Crowdfunding

Few weeks ago the news came out that ATB Financial, a Canadian bank, has joined the crowdfunding market, launching a reward-based crowdfunding platform called Alberta BoostR. The platform, focused on local economy and targeted to local small business, has already hosted a successful $10.000 project for custom-made

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Il prestito P2P continua a crescere

Funding Circle – una piattaforma di crowdlending P2P basata in Regno Unito – ha annunciato che sta espandendo il tipo di organizzazioni che possono chiedere prestiti tramite il portale. Finora, solo Limited Companies (corrispondenti alle Srl italiane) potevano accedervi, ma questa settimana vedrà l’arrivo di “non limited companies”

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Lots of Breweries are Crowdfunding

Back in 2011 we published a report for the MSKE Conference in Portugal called Getting Something Brewing. It was based on research we had undertaken on the craft brewing sector in Scotland which focused on the possibilities for these small businesses to create value from the use

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L’equity crowdfunding è ora legale in Italia

Ieri, l’Autorità Finanziaria italiana  ha formalmente annunciato la legislazione sull’equity based crowdfunding e domani il Regolamento sarà pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale. Dopo i 15 giorni di vacatio legis (periodo tra la promulgazione di una legge e il momento in cui assume efficacia legale), l’equity-based crowdfunding sarà legale in

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Crowdfunding and Social Networks

Crowdfunding and Social Networks

Last week we were invited in Brussels to give a presentation at a major  event organised by the European Commission, DG Internal Market and Services to explore issues, potential and risks related to crowdfunding. The event, Crowdfunding – Untapping its potential, reducing the risks – was the

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