Location: British Library IP Centre, 96 Euston Road London NW1 2DB.
Date: 30th June 2015, 1.30pm – 5.30
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This workshop run in conjunction with Creative Barcode and the British Library will provide a thorough introduction to the principles and practice of crowdfunding. It is aimed at those considering using crowdfunding as a mechanism of raising funds for a business, organisation or project. The session will explore the practical activities necessary to develop and deliver a successful crowdfunding campaign. The workshop will include a specific session on intellectual property considerations during a crowdfunding campaign.
The workshop will include
- An introduction to crowdfunding – its forms, principles and operational models
- Outline the benefits, risks and scope of the opportunity that crowdfunding presents
- Explore some real world case study material
- Introduce and put into action the proven four steps, Target, Assets, Method, Planning (TAMP) process, used to develop a successful crowdfunding campaign.
- Set out key decision points and success factors in crowdfunding campaigns
- Explain the key Intellectual property considerations in context of a crowdfunding campaign.
Attendees should leave this session with an understanding of:
- What crowdfunding is and how it works
- The opportunities and the risks
- A thorough understanding of a robust and repeatable framework to prepare for a campaign
- A sound understanding of the key intellectual property considerations in a crowdfunding campaign.
Presented and facilitated by recognised experts in the field of crowdfunding and intellectual property, this workshop is the best available opportunity to significantly improve your crowdfunding success rate.
Maximum places available: 30
Delegate rate £50 plus VAT
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