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Glasgow goes Poken

An awful lot of poken going on at the launch of SocietyM in Glasgow last night. In the stylish and funky surroundings of Glasgow’s premier wired hotel people were being encouraged to poke one another. Now in normal Glasgow conversation this might not be a polite or welcome invitation, but last night it was a lot of fun and everyone was doing it with a smile on their face.
I poked loads of folks and in some cases I didn’t even know their names. I wasn’t even gender specific either. The great thing is that I can find out who they were later and have a record of exactly when it occurred.
No, there was not an orgy of sorts taking place, it was an innovative way of exchanging contact details using a device called ‘poken’. Essentially the cute device allows you to exchange your unique identifier with a person you meet by waving these small key fob sized devices at one another. They blink green when a successful hook has been made and you can later check all of the details on line by plugging the device into you laptop and rationalise all those unique identifiers against the centrally held details. Simple and great fun!

Thanks to Sam and all at CitizenM for putting on a really stylish launch for SocietyM in Glasgow, introducing us to poking, demonstrating the benefits of being a member of SocietyM and also…the delights of Glasgow vodka!

Love it!

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