The leading Crowdfunding consultancy

How do you raise more than $20 million to develop a computer game?

The answer is to run a successful DIY crowdfunding campaign to utilise your existing crowd asset and build on a smaller successful campaign on a platform

Of course there is much more to it than that but choosing to run a DIY campaign – one that you take “off platform” and run on your own website – is a very rapidly developing trend in crowdfunding. It is the approach adopted by Star Citizen which, in some estimations, is the world record crowd fund.

Surprisingly diverse DIY crowdfunding can be utilised in all forms of crowdfunding – including equity models – and we predict it will continue to expand rapidly in certain conditions.

Our new report is a comprehensive survey of this novel and growing approach to raising funds. The report covers its origins, key drivers, risks and considerations when running DIY projects and includes a listing of many of the rapidly expanding range of tools that permit people to undertake DIY or direct crowdfunding.

The report is available in digital format in English and Italian and is the most comprehensive survey of DIY crowdfunding to date and a must have for anyone considering using this form of funding.

To get your copy and for more information follow this link

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