I am thrilled to announce that WorldScientific Books have now published my new book Crowdasset – Crowdfunding for Policy Makers.
The book is founded in a framework that Dr Dan Marom and I developed when working with the European Commission to help them understand how to integrate crowdfunding into their work. Aimed at policymakers in the broadest sense, and intended to assist
The book includes the frameworks and tools for analysing auditing and framing policy interventions and then is supplemented by case studies from around the world setting out how crowdfunding and crowd engagement are both being used and developed in a wide range of settings. This includes reviews of the experience of many countries including Lithuania, Finland, USA, Germany, Indonesia, Russia and, of course, the UK.
With some extraordinary influential and experienced contributors including Amy Cortese, Sigitas Mitkus, Reinhard Willfort, Ivana Pais, Olivier Schulbaum it has a depth and weight of insight.
With so many crowdfunding related books dealing with only the actual process of running crowdfunding campaigns this book carves a new and rare path addressing the needs fo those charged with developing the ecosystems and contexts within which crowdfunding actually delivers.
Ranging from Civic Crowdfunding and Crowd Engagement to Blockchain and crypto bonds it is a must-read for modern policymakers as we seek novel and more inclusive ways of rebuilding our economies post covid.
Find out more and order for WorldScientific or Amazon

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