It is sometimes easy to forget just how global crowdfunding is becoming.
With the dominant position the UK holds as a centre for crowdfunding and the sheer volume of activity coming out of the USA, the chatter on the topic can tend to become very localised and self absorbed. But the reality is that more and more countries across the world are recognising the value and specific benefits that crowdfunding and the wider crowd economy offers in an increasingly connected globe. What is of particular interest to me is that there is a range of increasingly diverse approaches to the method, characteristics and style of how crowdfunding is practised in each region and this diversity is a great strength but also a testament to the emergent qualities of a crowd powered activity.

Suzanne Wisse-Huiskes
That is why the recent report on the emerging crowdfunding market in Nigeria, “Crowdfunding Potential for Nigeria 2017” researched and written by Suzanne Wisse-Huiskes of the Matchbox Consultancy and in conjunction with the CrowdfundingHub in Amsterdam, is such a great and welcome publication. It is a reminder of how we need to continually scan widely and ensure that we are aware of all of the places where crowdfunding is beginning to take effect and, importantly, understand some of the distinctive local characteristics that can be found in each marketplace so that we can both be sensitive to them as necessary but also look for interesting and exciting innovations and ideas.
I had the good fortune to be able to have a chat with the report’s author and hear more about her experience of the sector in Nigeria and the potential for its future growth. That discussion is available here to stream and to download as a podcast
The report can be downloaded from the Crowdfunding Hub here
You can find out more about Suzannes work at Matchbox Consultancy here.
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