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As a management consultancy much of our work is  research led  and we create a range of commissioned valued resources for clients which can be for private or public use. We also initiate our own research and many of our papers and insights are made freely available to download. Some are charged for. Papers can be overviews, whitepapers, analysis, workbooks and training resources. We also collaborate with trusted colleagues to make a material on a wide range of topics available in many languages.

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Slides and Infographics

The team at twintangibles are regular and sought after speakers, presenters and event hosts. If you have attended one of the events we spoke at then you can usually find the slides here. Infographics can be useful tools to communicate quickly key information. We use them and you can find some here


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Video and Podcasts

Often events that we speak at are captured on video and so if you missed us speak you may find it here. We also interview key thinkers and activists in many fields and sometimes make those available as podcasts. You can download some of them here

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twintangibles Ltd is a company registered in Scotland with company number SC397987. Registered office is Blue Square House, 272 Bath Street, Glasgow, Scotland, G2 4JR

Correspondence Address is:
twintangibles, Blue Square House, 272 Bath Street, Glasgow, Scotland, G2 4JR