The leading Crowdfunding consultancy

Videos and Podcasts

Crowdfunding Potential in Nigeria 2017

An interview with Suzanne Wisse-Huiskes on her recent report on crowdfunding in Nigeria – a paper produced in association with the CrowdfundingHub in Amsterdam

Scottish Parliament – Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee

twintangibles was invited to give evidence on the subject of crowdfunding to this group of influential MSPs at the Scottish Parliament building in Edinburgh. Accompanying Tim Wright as a co witness is Neil Simpson finance Director of Brewdog. Our contribution begins after about 20 seconds

Crowdfunding – An Introduction

This short presentation was part of the Creative Scotland Masterclass series produced during Social Media Week Glasgow 2011. The presentation provides an introduction to the philosophical and practical principals that underpin crowdfunding and some examples of projects at that time. Filmed at Society M by Inner Ear

The Future of Crowdfunding

This event unpacked a crowdfunding issues in the company of some informed and thoughtful panel speakers: Dan Marom, author of The Crowdfunding Revolution , Ray Perman former FT journalist , Chairman of the James Hutton Institute and author of Hubris – How HBOS Wrecked the Best Bank in Britain and Stewart Patrick CEO of the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce .


OECD Conference on Knowledge Networks and Markets

27-27 November 2012, OECD, Paris
Tim Wright participates in a panel event at the OECD alongside Michelle Gittelman, David E. Martin, Jacques Darcy and facilitated by Richard A. Johnson. He reflects on the relative importance of IP in crowdfunding and how crowdfunding is founded in and contributes to knowledge networks.

An interview with Nathan Hangen of IgnitionDeck

DIY Crowdfunding is becoming an increasingly popular choice for those seeking to raise funds for the organisation or project. In this process crowdfunders choose to host their campaign themselves rather than use one of the well known crowdfunding platforms. As organisations come increasingly to understand the value of their crowd assets and social capital we will see this choice being made more and more, and a whole industry is already emerging to provide the tools and services that help make this possible. Amongst the frontrunners in that at present is a WordPress plugin called IgnitionDeck developed by Virtuous Giant. It is an increasingly sophisticated tool that has already helped raise many millions of dollars for thousands of projects. We had the chance to speak to a co founder of Virtuous Giant Nathan Hangen and asked him about the past present and future of Ignition Deck. A transcript of this interview is available here and you can download an MP3 of this interview here

An interview with Markus Lampinen the COO of GrowVC

As part of our research work in the Crowdfunding area we maintain links with the major platforms and we had spoken to Markus recently. Part of that took the form of a brief interview where Markus explained something about the origins of GrowVC and how they develop what they refer to as an ‘ecosystem for startups’. A transcript of this interview is available here and you can download an MP3 of this interview here

An interview Mark McLachlan, co-founder of TinyLightBulbs

TinyLightBulbs is an e-commerce site that lists “tiny little ideas” of innovators who are making the world better all together, but that “didn’t have where to go or that decided not to go to big investors to get their product up the ground”, all those little makers and innovators who decided to “do it themselves” and either crowdfunded their product or independently produced it and want to bring it to market.

It was a pleasure to talk with Mark McLachlan, co-founder of TinyLightBulbs, who kindly told us their story. You can read a transcript of the interview here and download the podcast as an MP3 here .

An interview with Andrew Denham of The Bicycle Academy

The Bicycle Academy, an innovative plan to train people to build bike frames whilst providing bikes to the developing world, used crowdfunding to generate the funds it needed to set up. The campaign was one of the most successful reward based campaigns raising £40,000 in just a few days.

I had the chance to speak to Andrew Denham, the founder of Bicycle Academy at the very end of 2011. You can download this podcast as an MP3 here.

An Interview with Luke Lang, Crowdcube

Crowdcube is a world leader in equity-based crowdfunding. Launched in February 2011, the UK based platform has set the pace in bringing to the fore a new mechanism of raising capital for entrepreneurs and established businesses alike. Just before Christmas twintangibles managed to get the chance to speak to Luke Lang, one of its founders shortly after they had successfully used their own platform to raise a significant investment. A transcript of the interview is available at You can download an MP3 version of this podcast here.

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