The leading Crowdfunding consultancy

Scottish Crowdfunding Ending 2013 on a Positive Note

The closing months of 2013 seemed to demonstrate something of an up tick in the levels of interest in crowdfunding in Scotland.

East Fife football club launched a campaign for £100,000 to develop a new stand and other facilities at the club.

A second equity platform, ShareIn, launched in Scotland. Brewdog have pursued a further funding round in their own inimitable style closing in on a £4.25 million investment through their Equity for Punks scheme.

The  MacAulay & Co show show on BBC Radio Scotland  invited me on to speak about the phenomenon of crowdfunding – and you can hear that here if you missed it.

The first successful Scottish equity crowdfunding round on Crowdcube  completed as NewGalexy hit and exceeded their target – having sought some £100,000 for 10% of equity and reaching £200,000 for 20%

The Scottish Parliament took a real interest in crowdfunding as part of an investigation by the Economy, Tourism and Energy Committee began and investigation of the alternative funding sector. We were privileged to be asked to give evidence to the committee and if you missed that session you can see it here.

It is particularly pleasing to see the political classes recognising the potential of the democratising of capital to bring about positive change, entrepreneurial dynamism, and direct engagement of the people with shaping their financial future

And all that is a year when the first Scottish hybrid equity platform Squareknot launched and we released the ground breaking Crowdfunding the Scottish Perspective report – commissioned by the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce. Whilst the report demonstrated that Scotland was under using the resource and opportunity of crowdfunding perhaps this flurry of events late in the year might indicate some positive developments to address that.
What does it promise for 2014? Well we hope only good things. But one thing for certain is that whatever does happen you will find the best commentary, coverage and insight on crowdfunding and the crowd empowered economy and society here at twintangibles.

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The closing months of 2013 seemed to demonstrate something of an up tick in the levels of interest in crowdfunding in Scotland.

East Fife football club launched a campaign for £100,000 to develop a new stand and other facilities at the club.

A second equity platform, ShareIn, launched in Scotland. Brewdog have pursued a further funding round in their own inimitable style closing in on a £4.25 million investment through their Equity for Punks scheme.

The  MacAulay & Co show show on BBC Radio Scotland  invited me on to speak about the phenomenon of crowdfunding – and you can hear that here if you missed it.

The first successful Scottish equity crowdfunding round on Crowdcube  completed as NewGalexy hit and exceeded their target – having sought some £100,000 for 10% of equity and reaching £200,000 for 20%

The Scottish Parliament took a real interest in crowdfunding as part of an investigation by the Economy, Tourism and Energy Committee began and investigation of the alternative funding sector. We were privileged to be asked to give evidence to the committee and if you missed that session you can see it here.

It is particularly pleasing to see the political classes recognising the potential of the democratising of capital to bring about positive change, entrepreneurial dynamism, and direct engagement of the people with shaping their financial future

And all that is a year when the first Scottish hybrid equity platform Squareknot launched and we released the ground breaking Crowdfunding the Scottish Perspective report – commissioned by the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce. Whilst the report demonstrated that Scotland was under using the resource and opportunity of crowdfunding perhaps this flurry of events late in the year might indicate some positive developments to address that.
What does it promise for 2014? Well we hope only good things. But one thing for certain is that whatever does happen you will find the best commentary, coverage and insight on crowdfunding and the crowd empowered economy and society here at twintangibles.

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