The leading Crowdfunding consultancy

Social Media Unleashed 2

Crowdfunding & Crowdsourcing

Thursday 9 June – 4:30pm to 7:30pm

The Lighthouse – 11 Mitchell Lane, Glasgow, G1 3NU

Past Events:Social Media Unleashed


In keeping with our aim to broaden the appreciation and understanding of how the social media mindset is impacting society, economy and culture, twintangibles and New Media Corp are bringing you another Social Media Unleashed event.

The second in a series that seeks to demonstrate the breadth of opportunity to create value for your organisation through a better understanding of Social Media, SMU2 has been a chance to learn a little more about crowdsourcing and crowdfunding, in the company of speakers from leading organisations in the field. James Gibb from Dell explained how the crowdsourced IdeaStorm has brought added innovation to a global technology player. John Ayscough and Kirsty Burnham explained how the crowdfunding platform SoLoCo could transform raising funds for third sector groups. We also got the chance to hear from Toby Daniels CEO of Crowdcentric and founder of Social Media Week via video link from New York telling us more about Social Media Week and how you can get involved. Last but not least, McClure Naismith explained some of the key legal considerations when thinking of engaging in crowdsourcing and crowdfunding.

All this and a bit of networking with a fascinating group of people in the sophisticated surroundings of The Lighthouse!

4.30/5pm Registration and drinks
5-5:05pm Welcome

5:05-5:15pm Toby Daniels, CrowdcentricSocial Media Week and Social Media Week Glasgow
You can find a video of Toby introducing Social Media Week 2011 here

5:15-5:40pm James Gibb, DellIdeaStorm

5:40-6:05pm Euan Duncan, McClure Naismith – Crowdsourcing

6:05-6.30pm John Ayscough and Kirsty BurnhamSoLoCo – Slides available online here

6:30-6:45 Stewart Whyte, McClure Naismith – Crowdfunding

6:45-7pm Q&A, Thanks and Close
7-7:30pm Drinks and Networking

Presented by twintangibles & New Media Corp

Event Partners:
McClure Naismith, The Lighthouse, Dell, SoLoCo, Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, Social Media Week


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