The leading Crowdfunding consultancy

Posts Tagged Best Practice

Is the language we use in crowdfunding a problem?

The more we use old world capital market terminology the more we undersell, betray and erode crowdfunding and the more we mis set the expectations of new entrants. When I hear about things like Lending Club working with Goldman Sachs to “Securitise” $150m worth of loans I

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When is a Crowd not a Crowd?

Size matters in certain circumstances but crowds are not just a numbers game. The key aspect which makes the crowd so valuable is diversity.

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Costing a Crowdfunding Campaign

Costing a Crowdfunding Campaign

One of the most common errors in a crowdfunding campaign plan is to miscalculate the cost involved. Getting this wrong can be a major problem because even a successful campaign may not provide you with the funds you need. There is a reason why our crowdfunding preparation,

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Shorter is Generally Better – Components of a Good Crowdfunding Campaign 6

It might seem that a longer campaign is a better idea as it gives more opportunity for funding but this is very rarely the case. A sense of urgency and time pressure is generally helpful for all concerned. The principle of “the burning platform” works well in

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Monitor, Respond, Update – Components of A Good Crowdfunding Campaign 5

In our continuing series of advisory blogs on how to run a good Crowdfunding campaign we address three key activities in any campaign – Monitoring, Responding and Updating Monitor It is important to understand what is going on in your campaign so that you can amplify the

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