The leading Crowdfunding consultancy

Posts Tagged cf13

Italian Crowdfunding Market: Fast and Furious. Results of the latest Analysis of Italian Crowdfunding Platforms

After exactly one year from the first edition of Crowdfuture, the Italian crowdfunding community met again in Rome last Saturday. Five tracks with 45 speakers came together to explore and discuss  the,  still emerging but already disruptive,  phenomenon of crowdfunding. It was also the opportunity to present

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Crowdfuture 2013: the full programme

Crowdfuture 2013: the full programme

Crowdfuture is less than two weeks away and the full programme is finally here! It’s well worth waiting for: 45 national and international speakers covering what crowdfunding is now and giving a glimpse into where it might go in the near future. The day will start with

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Civic Crowdfunding, an alternative approach to growth (by Alessio Barollo)

Civic Crowdfunding, an alternative approach to growth (by Alessio Barollo)

Introducing crowdfunding to Italy? We did that with the 2012 conference. With this new edition, the goal Tim and I have set to ourselves is to put together and compare experts from various fields ( economics, computer science , architecture, crowdfunding ) united by projects or ideas

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Welcome back to the Crowdfuture

After the tremendous success of last year’s event, we’re back with another edition of Crowdfuture, the biggest Italian event on crowdfunding. Crowdfuture takes place this year at LUISS University in Rome on the 19th of October. This year’s conference will have five parallel tracks, each dedicated to

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