The leading Crowdfunding consultancy

Posts Tagged reward

Moving from Reward success to Equity – An interview with Derek O’Sullivan of Thermo Tent

Moving from Reward success to Equity – An interview with Derek O’Sullivan of Thermo Tent

A few months ago we interviewed Derek O’Sullivan of Thermo Tent prior to their launch of a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign. Derek promised to return and tell us how it went and what he learned.

Good to his word we caught up with Derek after a successful campaign to raise 50,000 Euro. He tells us what went well, what advantages he has found from the campaign success and he shares with us the news that they now plan to run an equity crowdfund on the Seedrs platform

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Il Crowdfunding in Scozia

La settimana scorsa twintangibles ha presentato il report “Crowdfunding – The Scottish Perspective”, commissionatoci dalla Camera di Commercio di Glasgow. Il report espone i risultati di una analisi approfondita della consapevolezza e dell’atteggiamento delle imprese scozzesi verso il crowdfunding, e il ruolo di quest’ultimo come mezzo di

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