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Posts Tagged Social Business

The Web, The future of Business and Being Prepared

On Wednesday FutureLearn was launched in the UK. An ambitious initiative which sees a group of Universities entering the MOOC (massive open online courses) learning space offering a range of free courses in flexible formats through a variety of devices. It’s an extraordinary development and is the

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More Maslow Musings

More Maslow Musings

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs implies that exclusivity of self-actualisation is only applied to the executive or C-level roles. However the social media environment is a remarkable demonstration of an alternative model where people engage for all sorts of motivations. Perhaps this changing model is reflected in social businesses moving towards less hierarchical models by acknowledging the breadth of aspiration and multiplicity of motivation.

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What is a Social Media failure?

I had an interesting chat with Michael Stelzner of Social Media Examiner the other day on what constitutes a “failure” in Social Media. Mike makes a stack of really good information available through the site and is a good guy to have an exchange of view with.

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Social Media inside the firewall

Social Media inside the firewall

We often talk about the social media mindset. It should be clear to anyone by now that what we’ve been going through in the past few years has been a cultural and behavioural shift rather than a technological one. All the various tools we’ve been working with

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