The leading Crowdfunding consultancy

Posts Tagged Social Media

The Web, The future of Business and Being Prepared

On Wednesday FutureLearn was launched in the UK. An ambitious initiative which sees a group of Universities entering the MOOC (massive open online courses) learning space offering a range of free courses in flexible formats through a variety of devices. It’s an extraordinary development and is the

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Crowdfunding and Social Networks

Crowdfunding and Social Networks

Last week we were invited in Brussels to give a presentation at a major  event organised by the European Commission, DG Internal Market and Services to explore issues, potential and risks related to crowdfunding. The event, Crowdfunding – Untapping its potential, reducing the risks – was the

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Social Capital and Relationship Capital

Social Capital and Relationship Capital

When I started working in the field of intangibles, I immediately learnt to appreciate the immense value of one of the assets that form part of the intellectual capital of a business: the Relationship Capital. The transition from my work with intangibles to working with social media

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The Rise of Crowdfunding

The Rise of Crowdfunding

Over the next few months, twintangibles will curate a series of articles on crowdfunding on the Social Media Week global blog. We are also running a workshop on the subject on the 14th of December in Glasgow.

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What is a Social Media failure?

I had an interesting chat with Michael Stelzner of Social Media Examiner the other day on what constitutes a “failure” in Social Media. Mike makes a stack of really good information available through the site and is a good guy to have an exchange of view with.

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