The leading Crowdfunding consultancy

Posts Tagged socialmedia

An interview with Dan Marom, co-author of The Crowdfunding Revolution

An interview with Dan Marom, co-author of The Crowdfunding Revolution

A few weeks ago, we had the pleasure to have a chat with Dan Marom, co-author of The Crowdfunding Revolution. He will be skyping in during our event at Social Media Week Glasgow taking place on the 28th of September at 5pm. The event will be live

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TinyLightBulbs for tiny little innovators

TinyLightBulbs for tiny little innovators

Last week I attended World Wide Rome, a very innovative conference celebrating the “makers movement”. A couple of days before we spoke to Mark McLachlan, of TinyLightBulbs. And it was a pleasure for me to be able to reconnect the dots of an always more connected world.

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Our Crowdfunding Seminar at Social Media Week London

Our Crowdfunding Seminar at Social Media Week London

Our last few posts have been all about crowdfunding,  a phenomenon that is picking up pace the world over. The proposed changes in legislation on crowdfunding for equity before the Senate in the USA, if passed, will probably give it another big push. Crowdfunding is set to become a common

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Components of a Good Crowdfunding Campaign

[This article was originally published on Social Media Week Global blog] Like everything, there is no secret recipe for a successful crowdfunding campaign. From our previous posts it should be clear that there are lots of options, motivations, possibilities and tools behind every single crowdfunding project and similarly

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A social history of crowdfunding

A social history of crowdfunding

[This article was originally published on Social Media Week Global blog] Many refer to crowdfunding as a “new phenomenon” (or – at worst – the “new bubble”). However, it is not as new as we may think; as a concept, it has been around for some centuries already.

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