The leading Crowdfunding consultancy

Posts Tagged socialmediaweek

An interview with Dan Marom, co-author of The Crowdfunding Revolution

An interview with Dan Marom, co-author of The Crowdfunding Revolution

A few weeks ago, we had the pleasure to have a chat with Dan Marom, co-author of The Crowdfunding Revolution. He will be skyping in during our event at Social Media Week Glasgow taking place on the 28th of September at 5pm. The event will be live

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Glasgow is going social again

Glasgow is going social again

As you may have heard, Social Media Week is coming back to Glasgow 24th – 28th September. Looks like Glasgow did a nice job last year, give yourselves a round of applause. And we at twintangibles are happy to be part of it again this year for

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It’s Social Media Week again!

It’s Social Media Week again!

Feels like yesterday that Glasgow was buzzing, tweeting and talking all about Social Media Week 2011. Now it’s time for another SMW! From this morning to Friday, another 12 cities, including Tokyo, Singapore, Hamburg, Paris, and NYC are going to live the wonderful experience that Glasgow lived

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Our Crowdfunding Seminar at Social Media Week London

Our Crowdfunding Seminar at Social Media Week London

Our last few posts have been all about crowdfunding,  a phenomenon that is picking up pace the world over. The proposed changes in legislation on crowdfunding for equity before the Senate in the USA, if passed, will probably give it another big push. Crowdfunding is set to become a common

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The Rise of Crowdfunding

The Rise of Crowdfunding

Over the next few months, twintangibles will curate a series of articles on crowdfunding on the Social Media Week global blog. We are also running a workshop on the subject on the 14th of December in Glasgow.

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