What a great night at The Lighthouse! Social Media Unleashed – The Sequel – aired on the 5th floor of the stylish venue, and we had a great time. Despite it being the first sunny evening in Glasgow for weeks, we had a fine audience of about 150 to hear James Gibb of Dell tell us about crowdsourcing through IdeaStorm, John Ayerscough and Kirsty Burnham tell us about their innovative platform SoLoCo and its approach to making crowdfunding a reality for community focused organizations, and the skillful legal brains of Euan Duncan and Stewart Whyte of McClure Naismith help us through the choppy legal aspects of the evening subjects.
Opening the show we even managed a Video Conference to a very tropical New York with Toby Daniels of Crowdcentric telling us about Social Media Week and how thrilled he is to see it coming to Glasgow.
Some great question and answers and a few drinks in the doocot cafe bar made for a fine social network and Joe Blairs fine photography captured a good deal of it for posterity. Thanks to everyone involved for making it a great success.
A bit of advice about choice of hash tag seemed to work as well. Choosing a tag that didn’t pool our tweets with American universities and a Dungeon mistress seems to make for perhaps a less diverse stream of tweets, but enough and of such quality that we ended up trending!
Slides will be made available as will more photos, although it may take time for Euan’s detailed and complex slides to be released… 😉
Thanks to all and be sure to book your place on SMU3 which will take place during Social Media Week – gonna be a big one so watch this space!
Photos credits: Joe Blair – http://joemblair.com/
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