The leading Crowdfunding consultancy

Tim Wright

Tim Wright

Tim Wright

Director and Co-Founder @twintangibles

Tim has worked as a consultant, practitioner and senior manager with a number of global commercial organisations including Egon Zehnder International and McKinsey & Co. For five years he was part of the executive management team of ITI Scotland – a £500M innovation programme based around a highly collaborative open innovation model. A graduate of both Durham University and Robert Gordons University has an MBA with Distinction from the ULSM, and is a past winner of the Ashridge/Guardian MBA Essay of the Year.

Tim is Chair of the External Advisory Board of University of Leicester School of Management and a member of the Scottish Internet Domain Policy Advisory Body.

A respected and sought after speaker, presenter, writer and commentator Tim has anchored and keynoted events around the world.

Tim is co author with Daniela Castrataro of “Crowdfunding – Come finanziarsi online. Introduzione al finanziamento collaborativo sul web” and “Ideas to Reality” co authored with John Reid

E-mail: Tim Wright
Phone: +44(0)7717 714 595


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twintangibles Ltd is a company registered in Scotland with company number SC397987.