The leading Crowdfunding consultancy

Welcome back to the Crowdfuture

After the tremendous success of last year’s event, we’re back with another edition of Crowdfuture, the biggest Italian event on crowdfunding. Crowdfuture takes place this year at LUISS University in Rome on the 19th of October.

This year’s conference will have five parallel tracks, each dedicated to a contemporary and innovative aspect of crowdfunding’s, as well as some workshops and seminars in the afternoon. Here’s an insight on what is going to happen in Rome this October.

Oliver Gajda, president of the European Crowdfunding Network, is curating the track on  European Regulation where – among others – we will have Kristof de Buysere, an expert on European regulation of crowdfunding and one of the authors of the European Crowdfunding Framework which was released at Crowdfuture 2012, and Umberto Piattelli of Osborne&Clarke, a law firm extremely active in European crowdfunding and first confirmed sponsors of the event.

The LUISS University, logistic partner, are curating their own track on the legal aspects of crowdfunding, which will focus particularly on the situation in Italy and coordinated by prof. Gian Domenico Mosco. Contributions will come from a variety of institutional representatives who will focus their attention on the legislation recently implemented in Italy and other issues regarding behavioural finance and the role of crowdfunding in economic development.

Alessio Barollo and Tim Wright are curating the track on civic crowdfunding, one of the most interesting trends in the industry at present, and they will have with them – among others – Angelo Rindone, of Produzioni dal Basso, first crowdfunding platform in Europe born in 2005, and Francesco Cingolani, blogger and designer.

Crowdfunding can successfully employ gamification techniques, i.e. the use of game thinking and game mechanics in a non-game context to engage users and solve problems, and a track dedicated to this topic is being curated by Leo Sorge. It will examine examples of the use of gamification in successful crowdfunding campaigns and includes contributions from, among others, Claudio Bedino of Starteed.

Alessio Biancalana and Carlo Frinolli are leading a track entirely dedicated to open source, which will deal with the dichotomy between commissioned software development and software development for the community.

Last but not least, we are delighted to have as a keynote speaker of Crowdfuture 2013 the British equity-based crowdfunding platform Crowdcube, which will share their successful experience with the Italian public.

And that’s not all. Crowdfuture will continue in the afternoon with a vast selection of workshops and seminars. Among others, we will host a workshop on Crowdfunding & Personal Fundraising, aiming to analyze the phenomenon of donation-based crowdfunding in Italy, highlighting the peculiarities in relation to the Italian non-profit sector. And, to confirm our attention to innovative trends in the sector, we will also host a workshop on Localvesting, run by some Italian local CF platforms.

Last year Crowdfuture opened the discussion on crowdfunding in Italy and explored its core proposition and models. This year we will delve deeper into and evolving and fascinating phenomenon. Once again Crowdfuture is on the cutting edge, bringing together the most innovative aspects and trends of crowdfunding, and contributing to its further growth and development.

You can buy early-bid tickets for the conference here.

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