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Posts Tagged regulations

Misguided, Risk Creating Regulations

One of the great challenges with the pace of development in technology and the innovations that emerge from it allowing us to do things differently, faster and cheaper is that the regulations that have traditionally governed these transactions lag far behind. This is largely because the processes that create these rules, laws and standards have not accelerated or become more inclusive.

The result? Industrial age laws irrelevant, ill suited or obsolete in the digital world.

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The New Italian Equity Crowdfunding Laws: what you need to know

The New Italian Equity Crowdfunding Laws: what you need to know

On 29/03/2013, CONSOB, the Italian equivalent of the Securities and Exchange Commission,  published the Regulation implementing Article 30 of the Law Decree n. 179/2012 (Decreto Crescita), which introduced equity crowdfunding in the Italian Trattato Unico Finanziario (Financial Services Act). The regulation is now open for public consultation

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