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Posts Tagged crowdsourcing

Advocating Crowdsourcing – Accenture and Deloitte join the drive

Crowdassets are becoming the key source of competitive advantage. We have said this for a long time now and it seems some of the bigger consultancies are catching on – at last. But do they really get it? We have endeavoured to share the breadth and diversity

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The Web, The future of Business and Being Prepared

On Wednesday FutureLearn was launched in the UK. An ambitious initiative which sees a group of Universities entering the MOOC (massive open online courses) learning space offering a range of free courses in flexible formats through a variety of devices. It’s an extraordinary development and is the

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TinyLightBulbs for tiny little innovators

TinyLightBulbs for tiny little innovators

Last week I attended World Wide Rome, a very innovative conference celebrating the “makers movement”. A couple of days before we spoke to Mark McLachlan, of TinyLightBulbs. And it was a pleasure for me to be able to reconnect the dots of an always more connected world.

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